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Asian Braised Ribs

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This recipe is from Steve. He actually typed it up and sent it to me. I couldn't convince him to take a picture and start his own blog. He made this Saturday night and raved about it. Ribs sounded like a good idea.

I did the prep on this last night and cooked it in the crock pot all day today. I only had four ribs and it seemed like a waste not to cook more in this so I added two Hungarian sausages and two chorizos that I made last week. I didn't have any 5-spice powder so I mixed my own with ginger, anise seed, cloves, and cinnamon.

Admittedly, this is not the most attractive meal I've ever made but the meat was tender and succulent. It came right off the bone. The orange juice flavored the rice and was really delicious.

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