Mexican Saffron Rice & Vegetable Fajitas
Published Wednesday, August 03, 2005 by Jim | E-mail this post 
I took the boys camping on Kelley's Island. The last time we went camping, all we ate was pie-iron food and s'mores. Even though it was very fun, it got old quick. This time, I was deteremined to make something a bit better. I made basic vegetable fajitas with guacamole and saffron rice over charcoal. I had a great time doing it and it was the best camping food I've ever had.
This is the rice just starting to simmer.

The fajitas. This is the worst pan ever. I've been using it while camping for years but it is almost tinfoil thin. If you ever NEED to burn water - this is the pan for you. I hate it and never remember to replace it until I'm actually camping. I will replace it before I go camping again. It actually did okay on the fajitas but on Thursday morning I used it to make the ugliest pancakes ever. I would have happily included pictures of the pancakes here but I didn't think of it.

Toasting the tortillas for the fajitas over charcoal. Delicious.

For me, one of the best things about camping, is cooking coffee outside. If I'm sleeping on the ground, I'm making coffee over fire.

Thursday morning on Kelley's Island.
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