Roasted Bone Marrow with Salted Parsley
Published Saturday, June 25, 2005 by Jim | E-mail this post 
I’m making chicken stock today and I drove to the West Side Market in Cleveland this morning for the ingredients. As I was waiting for a butcher to grind some lamb (for a later recipe), I saw these beautiful beef bones. They were only a dollar for the three fresh, perfect bones. I found a 1# loaf of fresh pumpernickel for $2 at one of the bakery stalls. I was all set for lunch.
Okay, I recognize that this is not for the faint of heart. I pity the weak. This is nearly indescribably delicious. I had this once in Russia and enjoyed it even though it was lacking. In Russia, the bones had cooled a bit and the pumpernickel was stale. But, I tasted the potential of what these could be. Mine turned out perfectly. I’m not kidding – quite possibly one of the most delicious things I’ve ever cooked. Certainly, it was the most delicious thing this easy to prepare. The marrow scoops out a little lumpy but spreads on the bread like soft well-roasted garlic. But it is mild and buttery tasting and it soaks a little into the bread.
This was so easy – a quick poach and toss in the oven for an hour. Of course, the hardest part is getting past the blatant carnivorousness of this. I guarantee, if you can get past that, you won’t be disappointed. Before you start, you’ll feel like a caveman. By the time you finish, you’ll feel like a millionaire.
Make sure you get good pumpernickel.
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