Blue Cheese Fiasco (and hopefully, recovery)
Published Sunday, January 14, 2007 by Jim | E-mail this post 
I finally threw out the blue cheese. It's the worst thing I've ever made - a total disaster. It was so bad I gagged when I took this picture. You cannot imagine the smell. Please don't try.

Take a deep breath. Don't puke. I admit, the picture makes me feel a little queasy. But, it makes me laugh too - so it's not all bad.
I was so excited about making cheese that my mom gave me a cheese press for my birthday. That was before I discovered how scary bad cheese could be. But, I'm not easily dissuaded from foolish endeavors - especially when I have specialized equipment. So, I'm trying again. Hope springs eternal...

There's cheese in there. I'll take a picture when I take the cheese from the press in a couple days.
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