Spanikopita, Cucumber Salad, & Pineapple Sorbet
Published Monday, August 07, 2006 by Jim | E-mail this post 
Alex is at band camp this week, so it's just Nick and me. When I asked what he wanted for dinner, Nick replied, "Hummus." I'm a little hummussed out. Nick had spanikopita at Judy and Bob's party Saturday night and really liked it, so I convinced him to have that instead. I invited my mom over too. The spanikopita was delicious. The cucumber salad was good. The Pineapple Habañero Sorbet was a definite disappointment. My mom and Nick both liked it. I suppose it was good. But, the habañero added no flavor - just heat. It was a gimmick. I would have been totally happy with the recipe if I would have left the habañero out altogether and made plain pineapple sorbet. Making it with ginger would have been fine too. Or mango. Or coconut. Habañero - no. Don't make this. (Make the spanikopita though, it was good.)
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