Tonight, I went to the Cleveland Indians game by myself. I bought a cheap seat, kept score, and ate a bag of peanuts with a couple dogs and beer. Excellent fun. Unfortunately, the Tribe lost 9-6.
If you've never been to an Indians game you haven't had the wonderful experience of Stadium Mustard. This is great stuff. Friends of mine who've left town often have me send them mustard when they get low. I took Steve two bottles the last time I went to San Francisco. I was shocked when I went to a game in Tiger Stadium and they had plain yellow mustard!
My first dog was bought from a roaming vendor and this was a crime against all that is good and tasty. It was cold and the bun was soggy. Even Stadium Mustard couldn't save this one. This hot dog, and the final score, were the only blights on an otherwise fun night.

I couldn't risk another roaming vendor tragedy so I decided to get a dog hot off the grill. Much better.

I might as well upgrade my seat while I'm up. I know you can't see it in this picture but Grady Sizemore hit a home run on this pitch in the 4th.

If you want some Stadium Mustard you can buy it
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