Tofu Concoctions
Published Thursday, February 15, 2007 by Jim | E-mail this post 
Yes, tofu can be delicious. Here are two examples I made last week. I almost didn't post them because they both use sauces from Trader Joe's. They are made exactly the same - just two different sauces. I chopped two onions and sauteed them with some olive oil and garlic and added cubed tofu and a handful of frozen green beans. Then, I added the sauce. When it was hot, I served it over rice. Easy. Alex loved both of them. Now, as I write the post, I forgot what each of them were. The first is some Chinese thing, Ginger Something, Something. The second is some Cilantro Curry Something or Other. It's Indian with the disconcerting warning on the label, "Not meant to be eaten raw. Cook thouroughly." Despite me not remembering what they were, they were both delicious.

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